Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CE: September 11.

As we approach the 9/11's tenth anniversary, there has been many images in my mind. We grew up in the generation that saw this massive tragedy. Lives were taken upon many families, co-workers, friends, etc., but will always be remembered. Every year, we 
reminisce about this specific day. We cannot forget what happened. Sure, we were in 2nd grade, but those images on TV, the teachers watching in the room in horror, and the confusion that was going around the classrooms stick to my mind. 

The coverage by the media has caused many twisted ideas and in a way has help these so-called terrorist plot even more. The security in the US has tighten lot, but sometimes I think it is not enough. One reason could be that the media has shown so many things on TV that maybe people can see a loophole in the system. This is concerning due to the fact that so many people travel in and out of the US. This growing fear of losing security has made politicians promise things that cannot be done. In my opinion, to improve homeland security would be a HUGE task to handle. You cannot predict people's movements and thoughts, so it makes taking the next step a hard one.

What if some finds a loop hole in what is implemented?
Then we would have another catastrophe and we would start from point A again. It is almost like a vicious cycle. We cannot totally trust that homeland security is always there to protect us, we just have to trust them that they 
are doing all that they can to protect us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cris10! I responded to this too. Here's a link
