Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CE: Shooting.

Girl shot in Bayview was caught in crossfire: 

"A 5-year-old girl who was shot in the leg in San Francisco's Bayview District was caught in the crossfire between two men firing at each other, police said today." 

To read the whole article, click here.

This is beyond depressing, breaks my heart just to hear about this. Imagine yourself just walking with your dad out on the streets and next thing you know you get shot by a random stranger. Oh, I forgot. Imagine if you were 5. You didn’t know what was happening. You didn’t know you got shot, but you just felt pain and all you saw was blood. Now picture yourself in your dad’s position, seeing your own daughter getting shot. It’s crazy how the world works these days. Anything can happen.
            I don’t understand why this has happened. The two guys who were going aiming at each other should have looked at their surroundings first. I mean, I guess they didn’t have enough time and it never came across their minds how they would miss each other and accidentally shot the girl instead. But this type of stuff shouldn’t even happen in a public area in the first place. First of all, carrying a gun out in general shouldn’t even be allowed, because of how dangerous it is and how much injury can be involve. And second of all, it’s freaking San Francisco! It’s bound to be crowded with strangers on the street, so why would you want a gunshot occur in the streets. They just gotten a 5-year-old girl involved with this situation, without even knowing it would happen. Think before you actually take your action.

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