Thursday, September 15, 2011


This Drinking and Driving story Alyssa Lasuer posted on her blog really devastates me. I checked out the Website that she mentioned and browsed around as well. The story and the images were really strong; it saddens me.
It angers me of how often people drink and drive. People don't understand how much of damage it can do. I know many people say how wrong it is, but at the time, they're still being hypocritical about this situation. I mean, I don't blame them. We're all human and we make mistakes, but drinking and driving? We ALL KNOW how wrong that is and what the consequences can be, but yet, people still decides to go that path and do it like it's nothing. You may be having fun, partying, getting drunk, and having to drive later on and possibly have some passengers with you; and chances are, YOU may be the lucky one that survives if there were to be an accident, but what about the others in your car? Will they be just as lucky as you are? 50% chance that they'll die, 50% chance that they'll survive. But even if they do survive, some injury would most likely occur. And what if you hit another car? Would they survive too?
            People these days sometimes don't think before they do something. We all do that. But is it worth risking your life? What about the people you care about? Is it worth risking their lives as well? How about others lives? Maybe you think it is, but I highly don't. Don’t drive if you’re under the influence. If you do, and you're still alive, be fucking thankful. But if you plan on doing so, think twice. Think five times more if you want. Know what you're getting yourself into before you do anything stupid. Yes, we all learn from our mistakes, but maybe one day, one more mistake can be your last mistake.

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