Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FREE: Trust is the key.

I've had a blog that mentioned friends, but oh wells.

These days, I find it really difficult to find any true friends. In order to have a legit friendship, one of the most important steps is trust. Trusting someone isn’t something that can happen overnight, but it takes time to actually develop it. To be, no one these days are reliable. Word spreads.  You can tell someone one thing, and next thing you know, the whole school would hear about it too. Or if you tell something to your best friend, you might think they’ll keep it as a secret, but they might have someone else they “trust,” so they’ll most likely tell them too. Everyone these days have big mouths. They might tell you how they won’t say anything, but do the complete opposite. We all know that everyone gossip and that’s how words get around. Honestly, anything will find its way to get around.
There’s no one that I completely trust. There are probably one or two people I tell everything too... Well almost everything. I’m not sure if I’m not completely comfortable telling everything about my personal life or just that I KNOW that they’ll tell someone else. Opening up is pretty difficult if you know that the person you open up too might share that information with others. I guess I rather bottle everything up rather than having other people knowing. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I mean, we all have something that we wouldn’t want anyone else to know about, especially someone that we hardly know.

1 comment:

  1. loved your post about trust and friendship. i think everyone can relate to this and some try to hold back on how they really feel.;postID=4530383353174139009
