Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BC: College Essay Prompt 1:

College Essay Prompt 1:
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Resigning in Alameda, California, a little island that not much have heard about, is where I basically grew and realized much from. I came from an Asian household, where shoes aren’t allowed to be touching the carpets, where you’ll see chopsticks in the kitchen, where adults have high expectations from their children, where rules should be followed. One of my aunts was the first to move to America, therefore, changing our lives. For one thing, moving to America was a different experience; we had to change our language, our live styles, etc. Although it was hard, we had to do it anyways. One person I’d look up to would definitely be my grandpa. He’s gone through so much to help support my family.
My grandpa came to America without knowing any English, but that didn’t stop him from anything. He went to adult school and had books and books where he increased his knowledge for English. He was also a talented, generous, and an open-minded, never letting anyone getting in his way of anything.
            During the beginning of 8th grade, everything changed where my life went a bit downhill. This was the year I lost someone important in my life. My grandpa never had the healthiest body, but he remained strong, although he had cancer. I remember him staying at the Oakland Hospital, where he had to get radiation for a month straight. After a week or so in, he felt weak and the following day, he told the nurse where he didn’t want radiation anymore, but the nurse couldn’t decide what he can and can’t do, they just had to listen to the doctor’s order, so they made him get radiation either ways. That same day my mom went to take my grandma for a checkup, so they decided to visit my grandpa. But it was too late. My mom walked in on my grandpa, assuming he was just taking a nap on his bed, so she tried waking him up. No response. She tried calling his name more and louder. Still, no response. So from there, my mom called the nurse. But it was too late. We already lost him… I had never seen my mom so devastated in my life before.
After this, I’ve realized how much I wanted to help if I could. It changed my mindset and my goal for the future. After experiencing to losing someone I love, I decided I wanted to be in the medical field to help others, making sure nothing like this would happen to anyone else. Of course, that seems impossible to stop someone from a death, but anything’s possible. This made me realize how I want to make a difference, a change, an impact on others’ life. I see myself helping others when they’re needed, such as, a cure to cancer, saving a life, or even something little like that nurse’s situation, like persuading the doctor to not let my grandpa get radiation that day.
            No one else knows why I ever wanted to be in the medical field, including myself to be honest, until recently. At first I thought I wanted to be there was because my mom wanted me to so I wanted to make her proud and because I enjoy helping others. But no, I realized after losing someone you love and care about, you really don’t want anyone else to be in the same position as you did once. And maybe others can look up
to me and I can be their role model if I save someone’s life, one day.

Did this hella last minuet, so hella BS-ed this. Whatever, I'll revise it later. 

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