Wednesday, September 28, 2011

FREE: Senior Banquet.

Many that knew & went; Senior Banquet was this past Saturday on a boat. Senior Banquet is one of the only few events that you’ll be only with your class. In my opinion, senior banquet over all was alright. It was nice seeing everyone all dolled up, looking fancy and spiffy, taking pictures with one and another, having dinner together, and dancing with each other. But being seasick and everything else was pretty stressful.
                For starters, Senior Banquet was pretty pricey; it was around the same price range as prom. Looking for a dress was also a pain in the ass. All of us were hoping that we’d find a cute, but yet a reasonable price dress. Not only that, but we all prayed that no one else had the same dress as us. You know, girls and their drama. Then the girls had to make sure the wind wouldn’t rape their hair and their makeup wouldn’t smudge either.  It seemed as if the guy had an easier time finding their outfits, but a tux isn’t so cheap as well.
                It’s a tradition to have Senior Bests announced during banquet as well. I feel like Senior Bests is based on popularity. Some people really wanted to win a category for Senior Bests, but since they weren’t “too known” around school, therefore they didn’t get much votes as they deserve to.  I knew a few that wanted to run for something, but they told me how they thought many people didn’t know them, so they didn’t even bother try running.  I feel like that the categories they had weren’t as well as the previous years also.
                But I guess everything was worth it. Being stuck on a boat with your friends, trying to make a memorable event for Senior Year. I mean, Senior banquet does only come ONCE in your lifetime.

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