Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RE: Kids These Days

A response to Brenda Trieu's post.

"With technology advancing, the prices for these devices decrease, making it more affordable to obtain for kids."
                When I was a little girl, all I ever played with were board games, computer games Game Boy’s, and other type of games, as Brenda mentioned. Technologies were never needed much in my opinion. The only technologies I grew mainly grew up with were cameras and computers. I never had a cell phone and what not; I didn’t see the point of having one. In fact, I didn’t even get a cell phone until I was in 7th grade.  I was pretty much satisfied with what I had. These days, all I ever use are advancing technologies. I check up on my phone every few minutes and I’m using my iPod at this very moment. It’s basically impossible to separate me with my phone.  But this isn’t just me; many other kids/ teenagers find my situation relevant to them. Now everywhere I go, I’d see someone hooked on some sort of technology. Kids these days own iPods, iPads, phones, etc.
                I know many of my friends’ younger siblings can work all these advance technologies. I just recently started babysitting this girl, Sophia, who’s a 4th grader. The second time I’ve seen her, she asked to see my phone and texted someone.  Many people who ask for my phone has no idea how to work it, but she on the hand, knew. She spelled everything perfectly, did all the spaces, capitalizing, symbols, and characters correctly. Someone that’s around my age can’t even do all that with my phone, but she could. When I was her age, all I ever knew was to call people with my mom’s phone. I think kids are starting with technologies too young and soon enough, all they’ll rely on are technologies.

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