Wednesday, September 7, 2011

RE: Things I want to do before I die.

A little response from Kevin Jang's blog on his life goals.

When it comes to life-long goals, I have a few that are similar to his:

The first goal is definitely on point. I live with only my mom, and she has been the toughest woman I know. She wakes up early on the daily, goes to work, cooks and clean, but yet she still has the time to put up with me. I never really show my appreciation towards her, and my attitude towards her may not always be positive. I know I can never repay her back from what she has done for me, but I obviously will try.

I see myself living in a suburb area, a nice Mercedes or BMW, & a caring family.
Just as Kevin said, "I want a job that I actually enjoy doing and not a job where I wake up in the morning and say "UGHH, work again!" I see myself working in the medical field. I'm not sure which position in there I want to take roll of, but definitely in that field. I told myself how I want to change someone's life, but who knows how that'll turn out. But, I've always enjoyed helping others, so doing something I love would be me helping and curing the ones in need.

Traveling, well honestly, I hate airplanes and long car rides. As much as I enjoy traveling, I hate the process of it. But having family members in another country is a reason why I enjoy traveling. There are so many places in this world that I'd like to have an experience in, for example, Paris, Japan, Hawaii, etc.

Sorry, I don't think i'd ever skydive. I'm scared shitless when it comes to heights! I'm even scared of hills; especially driving on them!

Being satisfied with who I am definitely is one goal i'd like to accomplish. As for now, I wouldn't be able to say i'm truly happy for who I am. I'd see myself as those people who walks out the door with a fake smile on. But I promise myself, one day, I'll reach to a point where I can say "There's no one else I'd rather be than being myself."

& Then there are friends. Well, there are friends and then there are true friends. True friends aren't easy to find. Not everyone will be there for you. Take Facebook for examples, you may have 500+ friends, but if you're ever in a situation where you need someone, how many of them would actually be there for you? I guarantee you  3/4 of your friends there wouldn't even bother trying. Friendships needs trust and honesty; something not many people have these days.

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