Thursday, September 15, 2011

CE: What would you do?

"More than five million people have been affected by floods in Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands are homeless, and the situation is getting worse by the day." 

Floods in Pakistan had affected many lives. Houses were wiped away from the floods, losing hundreds of lives and losing every precious valuable. Everything has been drained by water. They tried finding all the remaining possessions they have owned, walking through tons and tons of water. A woman has lost two of her daughters because of this tragedy. Another said “Our lives are destroyed.” Lives destroyed from this, but yet, no help from the government was given. What is wrong with this? How can the government not give any support and help? Yes, it wasn't anyone's fault that the flood has happened, but why isn't no one taking a stand and helping?
Imagine yourself trapped in their position right now. Imagine yourself in a flood; losing your shelter, food, family, personal belongs, living out on the streets or in this case, out in a “river.” What would you do? What can you possibly do? I can’t imagine myself there, at all. They’re facing a terrifying phase at the moment, scarring young infants, teenagers, adults, and seniors’ lives. Wouldn’t you want the government to fix this?
 Hearing about this basically scares me. Makes me realize how thankful I am to be living in California right now. So far, we’ve haven’t had any terrifying events happening recently. Hopefully, nothing will happen soon either. It opened my eyes to see how thankful and grateful I am to be in a safer environment. But hey, anything can happen in the next months, weeks, days, hours, minuets, and even seconds. Shit happens.

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