Saturday, September 10, 2011

FREE: 2nd hand pain.

"The people you love the most are those who hurts you the most."

I forgot who or where I've heard that from, but that quote is definitely on point. You expect the people you love to not hurt you, but truly speaking, the smallest thing they do can affect you the most. I think the reason for this is because, when it comes to others, you could really care less about what they do nor what they say. But when it's someone you actually care about, you take their actions and words to heart, because you know they're just looking out for you, protecting you, and they know what's best for you, therefore, even if they're a bit too straight forward, you'd take it personal. And if they have a negative insult about you, then you'd feel more shitty, since you're hearing it from someone that you care about.

The next thing is when you see them hurt. When you see them in a bad mood and whatnot, their mood somehow begins to rub on you. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, but when I see one of my close friends crying, i'll just tend to get the feeling to cry too. Seeing a close friend hurt, hurts. It hurts for you just as much as it'll hurt for them. Everyone have those bad days, but I really don't care about anyone else when they're on their bad days. But when it comes to those you care about, you'd actually care and just ask them what'sup.

I'm not sure if this post even made any sense, it sounded better in my head. Ohwells.
Oh & I titled this "2nd hand pain," because it's like 2nd hand smoking. While others smoke cigarettes around you, you'd get affected as well, which is similar to how if your close friend is down, you're also affected by it.

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