Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FREE: Start realizing.

People who are not thankful for what they have seriously piss me off. They continuously complain about how their life is a living hell and saying “Fuck my life,” on the daily basis. Okay, shut the fuck up already. We get the fact that you hate your life and how your life sucks, but open your eyes and realize how thankful you are to be here in the first place. People don’t realize how lucky they are to have what they already have. If you have a shelter, food, water, family and friends who care about you, then you’re pretty lucky in my book. They don’t notice what they already have in life, but they do notice what they don’t have. What’s the point of noticing that? Nothing.  You can’t always get what you want in the first place.
If you complain about how you’re always in pain, then look at the people who are fighting in wars. If you complain about how you don’t always get the food and beverages you want, then look at the people who are starving. If you complain about how you want to move to a different area, then look at the people who don’t have a roof to live under. If you complain about how you hate school, then look at the people who don’t get education or free education. If you complain about not having enough clothes, look at the people who can’t even afford cloth. If you complain about living, look at the people who are suffering, dying, and the people who don’t have everything you have.

                You are beyond lucky for everything you do have.  Cherish what you do have.  If everything you own disappears one day, then you’ll realize what it’s like to live in a living hell.  Be grateful.

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