Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RE: Unexpected

"Think you know everything about someone? Think again; people will surprise you. There are so many possible things that can occur during someone’s lifetime. We do not know everything about this person; we only know what this person chooses to tell us...When most look at more than content people, they automatically think that those people have nothing wrong in their lives. However, that is not always the case. Nobody is truly happy all the time... Moving on from experiences such as that are one of the hardest things people would have to do in their lives. I cannot help but commend them for moving along with their lives and still being able to appreciate everything in front of them." -Brenda Trieu
I came across Brenda's post about how you'll never fully understand someone by their appearances. The people you see daily whom walk down the hallways, down the streets, at a supermarket, driving by, even your close friend may not be as happy as they look. There are many people whom been through so much shit in life, but they play it off as if it was nothing. Even if something like a death happens in their family (as Brenda also mentioned), they still put up with other shit that happens in reality. They do nothing but deal with their problems, show no signs with depressions, and still living as if they were the happiest person in town.
            We all know that typo of people who complain about everything single damn thing in life, because they make it so obvious. They show signs about every single emotion, while the others do nothing but bottle it up from the world. The only way to find out about how they feel is to actually get to know their personal lives, but sometimes, it’s hard to get information out of people.

1 comment:

  1. Many people struggle with depression without telling anyone at all. I myself became extremely good at hiding it, but my friends and loved ones could tell. As a good person, and a good friend, the best thing you can do is listen.
