Wednesday, September 21, 2011

RE: Beauty.

“We have been persuaded that beauty can only be seen from the outside, while the nonphysical characteristics are clearly unnoticed… Our society has gotten comfortable with living the lifestyle that our nation has been blessed with, that we have forgotten about the unnecessary needs for materialistic things.”Peter Nguyen

This blog caught my attention. I’ve wanted to post a blog about inner and outer beauty, but Peter recently posted one, so I’ve decided to respond.
I agree completely with what Peter has to say. Not much people understand the word “beauty” anymore. If we think “beauty,” we picture a hot guy with a nice face with a muscular body, someone like Brad Pitt, or a girl with curves, makeup on, and hair done, someone like Kim Kardashian. We think about their physical characteristics and ignore their personality inside. We don’t notice what their personality consist of.
Beauty has lost its definition. People have to get the new style for just about everything. They get all the materialistic things to make them satisfied on how they look on the outside. I know a lot of people who wears makeup and dress up just so everyone could find them beautiful. I’ve even seen hella girls cake up their face for the GYM. Like really? It’s the gym, who cares how you look like. People these days care too much about their physical features. Just because you’re beautiful outside, doesn’t mean you’re beautiful inside as well. You may have a pretty face and be the complete opposite on the inside. Getting to know the person is the only way to find if they’re truly beautiful or not. Beauty comes from within. You gotta look deep in someone to find their true beauty.


  1. lol makeup at the gym. I agree with so many things you're saying: this, gay marriage, even senior banquet. I look forward to reading more from you!
