Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BC: College Essay Prompt 2.

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

So I don't really have any personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that I want to talk about. So I'll just bog later.

Procrastination at its finest though.

CE: Gay Marriage.

The topic Gay Marriage has been going around for a while now. 

            In recent years, the debate over gay marriage has grown from an issue nationwide controversy.  In the last five years, the debate over gay marriage has been heard in halls of the U.S. Congress, at the White House, in dozens of state legislatures and courtrooms, and election campaigns. In the last year alone, three states have banned same-sex marriage and four states have legalized the practice.
            In the beginning on April 2009, the Vermont legislature legalized same-sex marriage. By the end of May 2009, two other state legislatures, follows suits, bringing the total number of states that allow same-sex marriage to six. Finally in June 2009, President Barack Obama granted family medical leave and certain other benefits to the same-sex partners of federal workers. In November 2008, voters in California, Florida, and Arizona approved ballots initiatives amending their state constitutions to prohibit same-sex marriage, raising the total number of states that have passed such constitutional amendments to 29. Passage of Proposition 8 also prompted an entirely new court battle over whether the just-approved ballot initiative itself was constitutional.
I believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong the same sex marriage. They should be treated no differently than heterosexual partners and should be able to marry like anyone else. There shouldn’t be any discrimination and have equal treatment just because they’re attracted to the same sex. They should have the basic rights and the same privileges that heterosexuals encounter. After all, it is a free country; we should be satisfied with ourselves, of what we do, and of what choices we make. No one should choose who we should marry and who to be with, it’s our decisions. Let us choose, don’t choose for us.

FREE: Senior Banquet.

Many that knew & went; Senior Banquet was this past Saturday on a boat. Senior Banquet is one of the only few events that you’ll be only with your class. In my opinion, senior banquet over all was alright. It was nice seeing everyone all dolled up, looking fancy and spiffy, taking pictures with one and another, having dinner together, and dancing with each other. But being seasick and everything else was pretty stressful.
                For starters, Senior Banquet was pretty pricey; it was around the same price range as prom. Looking for a dress was also a pain in the ass. All of us were hoping that we’d find a cute, but yet a reasonable price dress. Not only that, but we all prayed that no one else had the same dress as us. You know, girls and their drama. Then the girls had to make sure the wind wouldn’t rape their hair and their makeup wouldn’t smudge either.  It seemed as if the guy had an easier time finding their outfits, but a tux isn’t so cheap as well.
                It’s a tradition to have Senior Bests announced during banquet as well. I feel like Senior Bests is based on popularity. Some people really wanted to win a category for Senior Bests, but since they weren’t “too known” around school, therefore they didn’t get much votes as they deserve to.  I knew a few that wanted to run for something, but they told me how they thought many people didn’t know them, so they didn’t even bother try running.  I feel like that the categories they had weren’t as well as the previous years also.
                But I guess everything was worth it. Being stuck on a boat with your friends, trying to make a memorable event for Senior Year. I mean, Senior banquet does only come ONCE in your lifetime.

RE: Kids These Days

A response to Brenda Trieu's post.

"With technology advancing, the prices for these devices decrease, making it more affordable to obtain for kids."
                When I was a little girl, all I ever played with were board games, computer games Game Boy’s, and other type of games, as Brenda mentioned. Technologies were never needed much in my opinion. The only technologies I grew mainly grew up with were cameras and computers. I never had a cell phone and what not; I didn’t see the point of having one. In fact, I didn’t even get a cell phone until I was in 7th grade.  I was pretty much satisfied with what I had. These days, all I ever use are advancing technologies. I check up on my phone every few minutes and I’m using my iPod at this very moment. It’s basically impossible to separate me with my phone.  But this isn’t just me; many other kids/ teenagers find my situation relevant to them. Now everywhere I go, I’d see someone hooked on some sort of technology. Kids these days own iPods, iPads, phones, etc.
                I know many of my friends’ younger siblings can work all these advance technologies. I just recently started babysitting this girl, Sophia, who’s a 4th grader. The second time I’ve seen her, she asked to see my phone and texted someone.  Many people who ask for my phone has no idea how to work it, but she on the hand, knew. She spelled everything perfectly, did all the spaces, capitalizing, symbols, and characters correctly. Someone that’s around my age can’t even do all that with my phone, but she could. When I was her age, all I ever knew was to call people with my mom’s phone. I think kids are starting with technologies too young and soon enough, all they’ll rely on are technologies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CE: Shooting.

Girl shot in Bayview was caught in crossfire: 

"A 5-year-old girl who was shot in the leg in San Francisco's Bayview District was caught in the crossfire between two men firing at each other, police said today." 

To read the whole article, click here.

This is beyond depressing, breaks my heart just to hear about this. Imagine yourself just walking with your dad out on the streets and next thing you know you get shot by a random stranger. Oh, I forgot. Imagine if you were 5. You didn’t know what was happening. You didn’t know you got shot, but you just felt pain and all you saw was blood. Now picture yourself in your dad’s position, seeing your own daughter getting shot. It’s crazy how the world works these days. Anything can happen.
            I don’t understand why this has happened. The two guys who were going aiming at each other should have looked at their surroundings first. I mean, I guess they didn’t have enough time and it never came across their minds how they would miss each other and accidentally shot the girl instead. But this type of stuff shouldn’t even happen in a public area in the first place. First of all, carrying a gun out in general shouldn’t even be allowed, because of how dangerous it is and how much injury can be involve. And second of all, it’s freaking San Francisco! It’s bound to be crowded with strangers on the street, so why would you want a gunshot occur in the streets. They just gotten a 5-year-old girl involved with this situation, without even knowing it would happen. Think before you actually take your action.

RE: Beauty.

“We have been persuaded that beauty can only be seen from the outside, while the nonphysical characteristics are clearly unnoticed… Our society has gotten comfortable with living the lifestyle that our nation has been blessed with, that we have forgotten about the unnecessary needs for materialistic things.”Peter Nguyen

This blog caught my attention. I’ve wanted to post a blog about inner and outer beauty, but Peter recently posted one, so I’ve decided to respond.
I agree completely with what Peter has to say. Not much people understand the word “beauty” anymore. If we think “beauty,” we picture a hot guy with a nice face with a muscular body, someone like Brad Pitt, or a girl with curves, makeup on, and hair done, someone like Kim Kardashian. We think about their physical characteristics and ignore their personality inside. We don’t notice what their personality consist of.
Beauty has lost its definition. People have to get the new style for just about everything. They get all the materialistic things to make them satisfied on how they look on the outside. I know a lot of people who wears makeup and dress up just so everyone could find them beautiful. I’ve even seen hella girls cake up their face for the GYM. Like really? It’s the gym, who cares how you look like. People these days care too much about their physical features. Just because you’re beautiful outside, doesn’t mean you’re beautiful inside as well. You may have a pretty face and be the complete opposite on the inside. Getting to know the person is the only way to find if they’re truly beautiful or not. Beauty comes from within. You gotta look deep in someone to find their true beauty.

FREE: Start realizing.

People who are not thankful for what they have seriously piss me off. They continuously complain about how their life is a living hell and saying “Fuck my life,” on the daily basis. Okay, shut the fuck up already. We get the fact that you hate your life and how your life sucks, but open your eyes and realize how thankful you are to be here in the first place. People don’t realize how lucky they are to have what they already have. If you have a shelter, food, water, family and friends who care about you, then you’re pretty lucky in my book. They don’t notice what they already have in life, but they do notice what they don’t have. What’s the point of noticing that? Nothing.  You can’t always get what you want in the first place.
If you complain about how you’re always in pain, then look at the people who are fighting in wars. If you complain about how you don’t always get the food and beverages you want, then look at the people who are starving. If you complain about how you want to move to a different area, then look at the people who don’t have a roof to live under. If you complain about how you hate school, then look at the people who don’t get education or free education. If you complain about not having enough clothes, look at the people who can’t even afford cloth. If you complain about living, look at the people who are suffering, dying, and the people who don’t have everything you have.

                You are beyond lucky for everything you do have.  Cherish what you do have.  If everything you own disappears one day, then you’ll realize what it’s like to live in a living hell.  Be grateful.

FREE: Trust is the key.

I've had a blog that mentioned friends, but oh wells.

These days, I find it really difficult to find any true friends. In order to have a legit friendship, one of the most important steps is trust. Trusting someone isn’t something that can happen overnight, but it takes time to actually develop it. To be, no one these days are reliable. Word spreads.  You can tell someone one thing, and next thing you know, the whole school would hear about it too. Or if you tell something to your best friend, you might think they’ll keep it as a secret, but they might have someone else they “trust,” so they’ll most likely tell them too. Everyone these days have big mouths. They might tell you how they won’t say anything, but do the complete opposite. We all know that everyone gossip and that’s how words get around. Honestly, anything will find its way to get around.
There’s no one that I completely trust. There are probably one or two people I tell everything too... Well almost everything. I’m not sure if I’m not completely comfortable telling everything about my personal life or just that I KNOW that they’ll tell someone else. Opening up is pretty difficult if you know that the person you open up too might share that information with others. I guess I rather bottle everything up rather than having other people knowing. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I mean, we all have something that we wouldn’t want anyone else to know about, especially someone that we hardly know.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This Drinking and Driving story Alyssa Lasuer posted on her blog really devastates me. I checked out the Website that she mentioned and browsed around as well. The story and the images were really strong; it saddens me.
It angers me of how often people drink and drive. People don't understand how much of damage it can do. I know many people say how wrong it is, but at the time, they're still being hypocritical about this situation. I mean, I don't blame them. We're all human and we make mistakes, but drinking and driving? We ALL KNOW how wrong that is and what the consequences can be, but yet, people still decides to go that path and do it like it's nothing. You may be having fun, partying, getting drunk, and having to drive later on and possibly have some passengers with you; and chances are, YOU may be the lucky one that survives if there were to be an accident, but what about the others in your car? Will they be just as lucky as you are? 50% chance that they'll die, 50% chance that they'll survive. But even if they do survive, some injury would most likely occur. And what if you hit another car? Would they survive too?
            People these days sometimes don't think before they do something. We all do that. But is it worth risking your life? What about the people you care about? Is it worth risking their lives as well? How about others lives? Maybe you think it is, but I highly don't. Don’t drive if you’re under the influence. If you do, and you're still alive, be fucking thankful. But if you plan on doing so, think twice. Think five times more if you want. Know what you're getting yourself into before you do anything stupid. Yes, we all learn from our mistakes, but maybe one day, one more mistake can be your last mistake.

CE: What would you do?

"More than five million people have been affected by floods in Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands are homeless, and the situation is getting worse by the day." 

Floods in Pakistan had affected many lives. Houses were wiped away from the floods, losing hundreds of lives and losing every precious valuable. Everything has been drained by water. They tried finding all the remaining possessions they have owned, walking through tons and tons of water. A woman has lost two of her daughters because of this tragedy. Another said “Our lives are destroyed.” Lives destroyed from this, but yet, no help from the government was given. What is wrong with this? How can the government not give any support and help? Yes, it wasn't anyone's fault that the flood has happened, but why isn't no one taking a stand and helping?
Imagine yourself trapped in their position right now. Imagine yourself in a flood; losing your shelter, food, family, personal belongs, living out on the streets or in this case, out in a “river.” What would you do? What can you possibly do? I can’t imagine myself there, at all. They’re facing a terrifying phase at the moment, scarring young infants, teenagers, adults, and seniors’ lives. Wouldn’t you want the government to fix this?
 Hearing about this basically scares me. Makes me realize how thankful I am to be living in California right now. So far, we’ve haven’t had any terrifying events happening recently. Hopefully, nothing will happen soon either. It opened my eyes to see how thankful and grateful I am to be in a safer environment. But hey, anything can happen in the next months, weeks, days, hours, minuets, and even seconds. Shit happens.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RE: Unexpected

"Think you know everything about someone? Think again; people will surprise you. There are so many possible things that can occur during someone’s lifetime. We do not know everything about this person; we only know what this person chooses to tell us...When most look at more than content people, they automatically think that those people have nothing wrong in their lives. However, that is not always the case. Nobody is truly happy all the time... Moving on from experiences such as that are one of the hardest things people would have to do in their lives. I cannot help but commend them for moving along with their lives and still being able to appreciate everything in front of them." -Brenda Trieu
I came across Brenda's post about how you'll never fully understand someone by their appearances. The people you see daily whom walk down the hallways, down the streets, at a supermarket, driving by, even your close friend may not be as happy as they look. There are many people whom been through so much shit in life, but they play it off as if it was nothing. Even if something like a death happens in their family (as Brenda also mentioned), they still put up with other shit that happens in reality. They do nothing but deal with their problems, show no signs with depressions, and still living as if they were the happiest person in town.
            We all know that typo of people who complain about everything single damn thing in life, because they make it so obvious. They show signs about every single emotion, while the others do nothing but bottle it up from the world. The only way to find out about how they feel is to actually get to know their personal lives, but sometimes, it’s hard to get information out of people.