Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Tattoos.

I just saw Hoan’s tattoo right now, so I’ll do a little post about it.

Anywhere you go, you’re bound to see at least one person with a tattoo.  Tattoos have gotten really popular over these years, to the extent where it’s over rated in my opinion.  Don’t get me wrong, I still want one later on in my life. But people these days get tatted of the MOST randomest and pointless things ever.  Some gets tattoos of pictures, words, and symbols that they think are cute, but it’s not even meaningful. A tattoo is permanent. Ink is injected into your dermis of the skin; therefore it won’t go away in days or years. Once it’s there, it’ll be there for a lifetime, unless you get it removed, which you’ll have to go through pain and cash out a lot.

I find people that get tattoos of their boyfriends’ and girlfriends’ names are stupid. I mean it’s cute, but what’s going to happen if you two break up? Their name’s still going to be on your skin. Then there are those who gets tattoo of a random picture and symbol. What do they even mean to you? If that picture has no meaning, then shit, you might as well get a picture of my face for your next tattoo. And the symbols? Do you even understand and know what they symbol stands for? Tattoos aren’t cheap either.  I wouldn’t want to pay for something I’d want to get removed in a few years.
If you’re going to get a tattoo, at least get something you wouldn’t regret in the future. Don’t get a tattoo, just because everyone else has one. Don’t get it because it’s cute. Don’t get it because you just want one. But get it, because it actually means something to you, motivates you, or defines you.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this and I'm going to do a response post.
