Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I’m pretty jealous of pre-schoolers and kindergartners having nap time during school. I remember when I had it; I didn’t take advantage of it much though. I was always energetic back then, having more than enough hours of sleep at night. When I think back to those days, I picture myself just laying there, talking to others, attempting to sleep because the teachers would try to make us. They would tell us to shush every time someone tries to disrupt the class from napping. I was stupid. If my teachers tell me to shut up and sleep now, I’ll be the happiest kid on earth. I’ll definitely be able to knock out in no time. High School is the definition sleep deprived.
            I feel as if everyone is in need of sleep. I mean, I be seeing hella people dazing off in space and falling asleep as they try to keep themselves up during a lecture or something. The teachers just don’t understand how classes are so boring, how we’re always up for homework, and how we’re waking up early for school is making us lose our precious sleep. Studies shows that average Americans should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Most of us sleep for 4-5 hours at most and even 6 if we’re lucky. But that’s not me. I NEED my full 12 hours of sleep. Sleeping late and waking up for zero period is a pain in the ass. EVERYONE knows how much I enjoy my sleep. I can seriously sleep anywhere at any time. Name a place and I bet you I’ve had at least a 5 minuets nap there already.
            I wish high school had nap time still. You know how many people would take advantage of that? Basically everyone. We need us some sleeeeeeeeeeep.

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