Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Free Education.

“Students in Chile have been holding nationwide demonstrations to demand free and quality education for all, accusing President Sebastian Pinera of shutting his ears to their demands.” There have been protests for two days and they’re continuing on with it. They’re attempting to make Chile - the so-called Latin American success story - a country where equal opportunity is more than just a slogan. Everyone should have free quality education rather than having just decent education depending on how much money you have. It’s unfair and is a disadvantage for those children whose family incomes are low. Earning money is awfully difficult for a family, but taking someone’s education away because of that is wrong. Every student should be given an equal amount of education for free even if they’re rich or more. You can’t buy education, you can only gain it. We students in the United States are given free education in public schools. We choose public schools for a reason; not everyone can afford going to a private school. But we gain the same education and knowledge as one and another. Paying more doesn’t necessarily mean we learn more. Free education still teaches us what we need to know. But many of us take that for granted. We usually don’t realize how lucky we are for having free education. Some don’t take school seriously, so they’re slacking off to the point where they’re failing and not learning anything. We should be thankful for having free education while other kids elsewhere are paying to learn the same amount we are learning.

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