Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Senioritis.

Definition of Senioritis from Urban Dictionary:
Senorities- noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors.
Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation.

Seniorities, a disease that all high school Seniors experience during their last final year in high school. We all know that it has already hit us. Those symptoms already apply to us. We’re tired of all the shit we’ve put up in school. We’re ready for a break. All the waking up early to learn, all the homework that the teachers had assigned, all the test that we must study for, and etc., are not exactly what we wanna do anymore. We’re ready and just wanting to graduate already.  As nervous we are for the future, we just want high school to be over with. We’re ready to walk the stage and after we do so, we’ll be ready to say “Damn, we did it.”

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