Tuesday, October 25, 2011

FREE: Rejection.

I’m sure many people have a little fear of getting rejected; where you want to be somewhere, but the answer was “no.” When it comes to rejection, I’m practically scared shitless.
For example, what if someone’s asking someone out, but they get rejected from the other person. I’m sure that person that asked would feel like complete shit, because the person that they want to be with denied them. But that’s not what I’m trying to refer to.
I’m referring to college, my dream college. I’ve been wanting to go to University of California, Irvine for a while now. Irvine is a beautiful city that is located in the coast of Southern California.  I’ve heard about how well their medical department is and I’ve been interested for way too long. I know that UC Irvine will be one of the UCs I’ll be applying for this month, but I also know I don’t have the grades for it. I’m not trying to doubt myself, but it’s only the truth. I know getting rejected by this college would definitely be hard for me; I can already imagine myself getting a rejection letter from them, but hey, it’s always worth a try right? And even if I don’t get in for undergrad, I know I won’t give up. Maybe for grad, I’ll try again? Oh wells, we’ll see. Life’s not fair, and we don’t always get what we want anyways.

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