Sunday, October 16, 2011

RE: Sunglasses...

"All I'm trying to say is being original is a great thing and isn't a bad thing. Be yourself and express yourself everyday no matter what people say. Because without it you wouldn't be your true self. Yeah yeah... people may criticize you about it, but in the at the end of the day who's there? You.. not them. Be happy with yourself, be different, and just be........ YOU." - Justin's blog.

               Everyone these days are trying to fit in with each other. Pretty cliché if you ask me.  Everyone copies each other and nothing’s ever original anymore. You’ll see someone one day, and the next, you’ll basically see a duplicate of them; dressing, acting, and having an attitude exactly like them. What happened to being yourself? What’s more important? Satisfying yourself or someone else? Yourself. You’re the only one that’s either going to be satisfied or not satisfied with yourself at the end of the day. Being yourself is the only way you’ll satisfy yourself. Why does it matter if someone criticizes you for who you are? If they don’t like you for who you are, then fuuuuuuck them.  You don’t live in a world that revolves around them and you certainly don’t live to please them. Please yourself and only yourself. You’ll be happy once you’re your true self.
                Where is the originality these days though?

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