Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CE: Hit & Run.

"A two-year-old Chinese girl run over by two different vehicles and ignored by at least 18 passersby has died, in an incident that has shocked the nation and ignited public uproar over what some called a moral numbness seeping through society." I've been hearing about this from quite a few people now, but haven’t seen the video with my own eyes until today. This girl gotten run over by two different vehicles and was left in blood. She was ignored by more than a dozen, because they didn’t want to get themselves to trouble. This shows how people put themselves first even if someone else is severely injured. Seeing this really depresses me. It made me realize how selfish we’ve all gotten these days. How are people okay with just ignoring this toddler, passing by as if nothing has happened? What’s going through their minds when they saw that? Do they not care about another’s life? No one cares about others these days. All they think about are themselves. We need more people in this world that are willing to open their eyes and realize sometimes the best the thing to do is think about others before they think about themselves.

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