Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CE: Making some bank.

The economy in the United States has not improved one bit. It seems as if it’s getting worse day by day. Much unemployment is still in a desperate hunt for a job. Many employees are getting laid off every day. Of course, finding a job isn’t too easy, and when you do, sometimes minimum wages is still not satisfying. But it’s not only in the United States that’s having a hard time seeking for a job. Unemployment in the UK has reached its highest level in 17 years. More than two and a half million Britons are now currently out of work. This video is about James Franklin who wakes up every morning, hoping that he’ll find a job. He’s been jobless for about 2 years now. He goes to a local charity to use their internet faculties to see what jobs are hiring. Because there are so many employees looking for a job, they are getting paid less and are demanding more. Additionally, new rules say that unless people can prove they are looking for work for several hours a day they might get their benefits removed. British government says that everyone needs to stop moaning for a job and work harder. The government is obviously not helping. It’s not the people’s fault that they’re unemployed. Because everyone’s fighting for a job, looking for one is not easy. There might be an opening, but they have thousands of people to choose from to get that position. With such little job opportunities, getting the money to survive is getting difficult.

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