Wednesday, October 12, 2011

RE: Seriously?

A response to Kayluh's post.

“I don't understand why people can't tell you things straight up. Like why do you have to make things hella difficult and go around the question or just not confront the situation at all.”

I can hella relate to this. I can’t stand it when people aren’t straight up with stuff. If someone’s asking you something, wouldn’t you like a straight up answer rather than hearing excuses & them trying to avoid it? I mean how hard is it just to be honest and tell them like it is. It’s too obvious when people are trying to work their way around the questions and that pisses me off.
“I'd rather have someone tell me what was going on than having to wonder what's happening and what you're thinking. It would be so much easier if they told me what their feelings were.”

If something was bothering one of my friends, then I’d like to know. I’m not trying to be nosey and whatnot, but I would wanna hear what’s up and at least attempt to help them if they need any. I hate seeing someone down and it bothers me even more if I can’t do anything about it. Seeing them upset is the last thing I wanna see. I don’t mind if anyone has to vent to me. After all, it is better to let it out than having your situations bottled up and just explode one day.

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